Hope and Healing After Abortion
October, 2010, Bulletin Insert written for a Saskatoon Parish Church
Anita Sonntag
There is no question that abortion kills children. Because of that fact it also hurts those who have them. I quote from the book, Jericho Plan by Dr. David Reardon, “ It is simply impossible to rip a child from a mother’s womb without tearing out a part of the woman herself.” Dr. Julius Fogel, a gynecologist and psychiatrist who has personally performed over 20,000 abortions, states the following: “Every woman, whatever her age, background or sexuality, has a trauma in destroying a pregnancy. A level of humanness is touched. This is part of her own life. When she destroys a pregnancy, she is destroying herself.” Yet pro-abortion groups and our laws, or lack thereof, tell women that it’s no big deal and that it’s our right. And many people believe that anything that is legal is also morally right.
There is much evidence to indicate that the majority of women who have abortions do not freely choose to do so. There is often coercion, many are forced or threatened, many are without anyone to support them when they find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy. The book, Her Choice to Heal states the following: “A woman does not want an abortion like she wants a new car or an ice cream cone, but like an animal caught in a trap who gnaws off it’s own leg to get free”. Studies show that 70% of women who have abortions believe it is morally wrong. They act against their consciences because they feel trapped by their situation and in that time of crisis see no other way out. In many cases self-preservation is also a key component in the abortion decision, causing women to look at their own needs before the needs of the baby they carry. At the time abortion seems like the quick, easy way or the only way out of a tough situation.
After an abortion many women suffer from post abortion syndrome, which is a type of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Through the process of denial the woman blocks out the natural grieving process of the death of her child and often denies her responsibility in the abortion. The denial or suppression blocks the healing process and the possibility of forgiveness for herself and others. The trauma will often manifest itself in a breakdown of function in the psychological, spiritual and physical areas. Along with this there is a tremendous amount of shame and guilt that very often remains unspoken for many years.
Abortion kills approximately 100,000 Canadian babies annually and approximately 3000 of those are is Saskatchewan. Did you know that in Canada abortion is legal for all nine months of pregnancy? Did you know that there are no laws to protect these most innocent and vulnerable people? Because of these facts those of us wounded by abortion are many and are all around us. But there is hope and healing after abortion.
Rachel’s Vineyard is the world’s largest ministry for healing after abortion. It is a weekend retreat for anyone who is struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a very specific process designed to help the individual experience the compassion and mercy of God. It is an opportunity to surface and release repressed feelings of anger, shame, guilt and grief. Rachel’s Vineyard provides a non-judgmental, safe environment where confidentiality is of the utmost importance. The weekend can transform the pain of the past into hope and love. I will be forever grateful to God for leading me to a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. It was through the retreat that I was able, after many years of suffering with guilt and shame, to let go and allow God to transform my life to where I can now “break the silence” of the pain of abortion, by speaking out about my experience in order to help others find the healing I found.
There is a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat site in Saskatchewan and at present there are two retreats scheduled per year, one in the spring and one in the fall. For more information about Rachel’s Vineyard and/or to register, call Bonnie at (306) 480-8911 or e-mail her at bacameron@sasktel.net. More information may also be found on the website – www.rachelsvineyard.org .