Why I Am Pro-Life


Andrea Pearson

  This was written by Maddie Pearson, Andrea Pearson's daughter, who was 15 years old at the time.

Why I am Pro-Life

          I have many reasons for why I am pro-life. As a self-made individual, I have seen how deeply it hurts everyone, especially mothers who aborted there baby. My own mother had three. When she had told me, it touched my heart. I could tell it hurt her deeply; her eyes were watering; she regretted it sincerely. That day she also told me that she loved me so much, and I was such a great daughter. What she had done was a mistake. I’m proud of my mother now for having the courage to speak out through Silent No More Awareness Campaign and fight against abortion. I will always be by her side supporting her and fighting too until battle to end abortion is complete.

When I think about abortion I think evil, murder, and disrespect to mankind. I pray in front of an abortion clinic in Manassas, VA and it breaks my heart seeing such young girls going in there and killing the most beautiful and precious living creatures: innocent young human beings. They never had the chance to walk this earth. I even see some women walk out of the clinic with tears while others walk out silently in despair.

Killing an innocent sweet baby is something I hate to think about, but the reality is that it happens. Each year worldwide countless children are aborted and over time, since Roe v. Wade in 1973, an estimated 56 million babies have been aborted in the US. To think of that makes me want to break down in tears. Why would anyone in the entire world murder their own child? I have no words to describe how upset and heartbroken I am that abortions are happening constantly every day. Women are left hurt; their child is gone forever. As I grow up each and every day I will fight to end abortion and pray until abortion is illegal and abolished. I am proud to be Pro-Life because I am the voice of unheard babies all around the world.