Sock it to ’Em


Eric Francis

Local pro-life advocates joined the #sockit2pp (“Sock it to Planned Parenthood”) national tour downtown San Diego on Tuesday November 14 to denounce U.S. Senator Kamala Harris and her cozy relationship with Planned Parenthood. 

Students for Life of America arrived with a truck filled with hundreds of thousands of baby socks, parked at Sixth Avenue and A Street outside of Harris’ office and flung its doors wide open for the mid-day rally.

Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins started the rally by comparing the display of baby socks to the shoe display in the Washington D.C. Holocaust Museum, which serves as a reminder of the dignity that was stripped away from human beings.

After growing increasingly frustrated at the fact that Congress and the president hadn’t delivered on their promise to defund Planned Parenthood, Hawkins began collecting hundreds of thousands of baby socks from pro-life groups around the country. In April, she laid them out in Washington D.C. in “pile after pile after pile” to serve as a reminder of the dignity that is stripped away from humanity by abortion.