Always Regret

North Carolina,  United States
  I would like to share my story. I am missing a grandchild thirty-two years ago.  I believed that if it was legal, it was okay.

I drove my daughter (figuratively and literally) to an abortion. To this day I think with regret of what I did.

After converting to the Catholic Church, the feeling of horror of what I had done was overwhelming. Through the sacrament of reconciliation, I know that God has forgiven me, but one of his children is missing because of me. I think of that lost grandchild every day.

My daughter and I drove home in silence that day and we have never mentioned it since, but I saw the mental pain and suffering it caused her. My daughter has now been married for twenty-five years, and God has blessed me with two grandchildren, but the lost grandchild is always in my thoughts and prayers.

I pray that parents of an unmarried or teenage daughter who becomes pregnant does not make the mistake I will always regret! There are other choices.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share