Once Upon a Time

Kentucky,  United States
  Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman, and, when I say she was beautiful, I mean she was beautiful in her mind and spirit.  She had a very kind and loving personality. 

One day this young woman met a very handsome young man, and she fell in love instantly (or what her young mind thought was love).  The young man was very charming and witty.  He swept her off her feet.  So the young lady decided to go out with him.  She was a little too young to date, but since the young man was a friend of the family, it was okay.

The young man would tell her all the time how much he loved her and that they were going to get married as soon as the young lady graduated from high school.  You see, he was already a senior and she was a sophomore, and that would give him time to save up some money after he graduated.

The boy and girl dated for the whole summer and by the fall the young lady started seeing a change in the young man.  He became very possessive and jealous.  He didn’t want her to have friends.  He would get angry if she talked to other boys in her school, and he would punish her by not speaking to her.  The young lady did not want the boy to be angry (because remember, she loved him) so she excluded herself from her friends and the things she loved to do and wrapped herself up totally in his world.  Also, in that time, the young man started pressuring the young lady to “go all the way.”  He would tell her things like, “It’s okay, we love each other,” and “It’s okay, are going to get married.”  So one day, needless to say, the young girl gave in.  This was her first big mistake---taking purity too lightly.  The young couple continued to go down this path for about a year and each time she would be terrified she would get pregnant.  The young lady even refused at times, but the young man would get angry with her and she “loved him”, so she continued, because she thought she was going to get married.

Then the inevitable happened! On a warm day in March, the young girl became pregnant!  She tried to deny it for a couple of months, but she knew deep in her heart that she was going to have a baby and she also knew she was in great trouble.  In her young mind the only thing she could think of was, “How am I going to get out of this trouble?”  She went to the boyfriend and other friends and the only thing they could say was, “You need to have an abortion.”  And that is what she thought herself, because that was the fastest and supposedly easiest way she thought to get rid of her so called “problem”.  But little did she know that getting rid of her so called “problem” just created hundreds more.

The young lady made the appointment and the young man got the money from a friend to pay for it.   The boyfriend also began to distance himself from the young woman, which hurt her even more, and eventually the young man broke up with the young woman.  Needless to say it tore the young woman’s heart in half, not only for the break up, but again, that she took her purity too lightly and they never did get married.

The time came for the appointment and the young woman spent the weekend with a friend so she could take her back and forth from the clinic, and if you are wondering what the young man was doing, well, he was graduating from high school that day.  The young woman still recalls the weekend so vividly.  She was nervous and didn’t know what was going to happen.  Something told her this was wrong, but most everyone around her told her it was okay and this is what she needed to do.

After the procedure, the young woman remembers going into the recovery room and feeling very sick and vomiting, because she realized what she just did.      You see, like I said, she lost her purity, not only physically, but of her heart and mind.

The young woman wasn’t told that when she had her “counseling” at the abortion clinic she was going to walk out a totally different person than when she came in.  The young woman’s confidence went to zero.  She was able to do so much before, and now she began to question herself about everything.  She began worrying, and subconsciously being self-destructive, not feeling like she ever fit in anywhere or was ever really loved by anyone. 

The young woman never really put two and two together.  She just thought she was your typical young woman going about in life trying to figure things out.  At times the abortion would come up and she would push it out of her mind and rationalize about what had happened.

The young lady did date other young men, but they were not what you would call the greatest of upstanding citizens.  One young man even got the young woman into drugs and alcohol.  When you lose your purity, this is what you think you deserve, and this behavior went on for years.  It was slowly destroying her, again not knowing that her past abortion was the main issue for all of this behavior.  But her story does not end there, it actually gets much better.

One day, the young woman met a very, very special man, and He said, “Come to me, young lady, I will take your burden.”  So on a beautiful day in October of 1998, she gave her life to a man named Jesus, and she felt the Holy Spirit throughout her entire being.  Jesus lifted her burden and made her feel very special.  She felt clean and alive again, something she had not felt for a very long time.  The young woman was elated and began her new life as a Christian.  She began to grow and learn.  She learned that she didn’t have to have a “man” in her life to make her whole.  She had Jesus, and she stopped a lot of her self- destructive ways. 

I also wish I could tell you that she forgot all about her abortion experience and lived happily ever after.  The End.  But that would not be true.  Deep in the back of her mind she still thought about the abortion, and knew she had to do something about the pain she still felt.  So she prayed that the Lord would heal and restore her.  But not only did Jesus do that, but Jesus also lead her to a place called, “A Woman’s Choice Resource Center” where she learned that they help women heal from abortion through a Bible Study.  The young woman signed up for the Bible Study and met a very special woman by the name of Theresa who leads the Bible Study, and through the Holy Spirit Theresa showed the young woman the true love of Jesus where abortion is concerned.  She was not judgmental or critical.  The young woman was also taught that she could mourn her baby and give her baby a name and a memorial service, because that is what that baby deserved.

You see, the young woman thought she could never be relieved of the pain of her past sins because she didn’t think she deserved it.  But when she learned that she could be forgiven, that Jesus wanted her to, and that she had the love and support of her family (when she finally told them the truth), that is when she really began to heal.

Now, this “Once upon time” is a true story, because you see, I am that young woman, and I am here to tell you today that I am living proof that through the blood of Jesus Christ you can be redeemed of your sins and have your purity restored.  And one day I will live in eternity with Jesus and my baby girl!

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