Not the Person I Used to Be

New York,  United States
  I aborted my second baby due to very complicated circumstances involving my lover, finances, my disabilities, and my family, who pressured me to abort.  The story is too painful and long to complete right here, but it was my second child that I aborted, who would have been my first child's younger sibling. 

I was immediately overtaken with immense grief upon having the procedure done, and my life became entirely shattered in the aftermath.  My lover has long since stopped speaking with our previous child and me,  and my health is now a wreck. 

I feel very lonely and empty and confused.  I never stopped grieving the loss of my child, and the pain has changed me for the worst. I am not the person I used to be.  I am heavier, darker,  hopeless, and more numb than I have ever been before. I regret my abortion, and that is why I want to be silent no more.
Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share