I Must Say Something

Florida,  United States
  I have never sought help after having three abortions which all happened many years ago. Now I feel that I must say something.

The guilt and depression that came with those abortions has been lying under the surface for far too long. The worthlessness had me on a journey of alcohol abuse and sexual promiscuity which went contrary to my beliefs, and yet I longed to fill the void with anything and everything.

It is time for us to warn other young women in hopes to prevent them from being deceived into this choice of death. It not only kills babies, but it also kills us spiritually as individuals. It collectively kills society.

God wants us to have life and to have it more abundantly. Let us stop this death from being a part of our culture. Let us promote life and hope, and stop this death that is killing our families before they have even begun.
Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share