A Love Lost

British Columbia,  Canada
  When I was fifteen, I met my husband. We both had never been in a relationship nor had we been sexually active. We remained close friends until I was seventeen, and then we became intimate. I fell pregnant right away but didn't tell him. I had an abortion because my friends all had abortions and were pressuring me every day. They were telling me how selfish it was to keep the baby because my dad was a Christian. They told me how embarrassing it would be for him to have a teen daughter who was pregnant outside of wedlock. My friends made the appointment for me, and one of my close friends brought me to my appointment a few weeks later.

During the wait for the abortion, I passed out and had a minor seizure. I didn't want to go through with it because this scared me.  I had taken a handful of medications from the staff and didn't feel like I could walk out or make any decisions from there confidently. As I entered the procedure room, I started to cry and kept repeating that I did not want to have an abortion. The young female doctor was telling me it was nice to meet me, and she was sorry for meeting me under these circumstances. Then, the nurses guided me toward the table. The procedure was painful, and I cried out loud the whole time. As they wheeled the remains past me, I looked in the metal dishes and knew it was complete, which devastated me further. I immediately regretted having gone through with the procedure.

The biggest impact abortion has had on me is that every time I look at my children I have now, I think about that little face I never saw and the child I have never known.  I think about how my oldest son that I have now is not really my oldest, that he is my second child. Those little things are constant reminders of a love lost.

I found help and forgiveness through telling my parents. We prayed, and I was able to forgive myself. I know God has forgiven me. I feel like we are all lied to when it comes to making the "choice.” It can have long lasting effects. That is why I am silent no more!
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