With All My Heart

Texas,  United States
  I had the abortion when I was 18 years old. I had just started a nanny job, just got my first car. I found out I was pregnant by my friend. At the time she wanted a pregnancy test, I had two available. I woke up one day and felt the urge to take a test, half asleep, and as it turned out, I was pregnant. I wasn't late on my period, it wasn't time for it yet, but somehow I knew.

I told my boyfriend right away and the option for an abortion came up right away, and we didn't even second think it. We just went and did it. We got the funds for it, plus I was getting a pretty good check, so I could do it easily.

I saw my child when it was only three weeks old. I had the abortion when it was five weeks old and, knowing what it was developing, really made me depressed, to know that I could've held my child, talked to my child, and had a mini me.

Right now, I would've been five months pregnant. We chose to not have the child because my boyfriend and I had JUST started dating, he didn't have a job and my nanny job wasn't going to last forever. As it turns out, it didn't last forever. I regret with all my heart what I have done and I dream of holding that baby in my arms almost every night.
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