I Have Forgiven Myself

Ohio,  United States
  I can remember the day like it was yesterday; a sick weary feeling was over me, and I knew what I was doing was not right.  But I convinced myself it was not entirely a baby yet. I set up an abortion where I would be put to sleep, because I knew I could not be awake for it. However, that unawareness could never release me from my own awareness from what I had done for the next 20 plus years.

I lived for a long time, guilty and ashamed, even after asking for God's forgiveness but never actually forgiving myself. It was not until I listened to a priest speak out about forgiveness and the need to forgive ourselves in order to be forgiven that I knew this was what was holding me back to gaining the peace I needed.

I have forgiven that 25 year old girl, who really did not know the consequences of her actions, and believe that through my sufferings God will bring about His Glory by allowing me to be SILENT NO MORE!

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share