After my 3rd abortion, I was merely a Shell of my Former Self.

Tennessee,  United States
I grew up in the Southern Baptist church in Memphis, TN. At the time of my 1st abortion, I was 20 and had just had a baby 4–5-month prior that was an unplanned pregnancy. The father of my son and I had begun a sexual relationship the night we met. After the birth of my son, I suffered from post-partum depression but didn't express that to anyone. I just thought it was normal. Continuing in a cycle of sin, this led to 2 more pregnancies, and I chose to abort 3 times within 3 years.

After my 3rd abortion, I was merely a shell of my former self. I was depressed, angry, hurting, and racked with guilt and shame. I lived under this mantle for the next 6 years. Every relationship in my life had been affected by abortion and I was experiencing the fallout. I had bought into the lie of the abortion industry. 

Eventually I came to the end of myself and went back to my childhood church home and God met me there. It was a glorious day as even though I knew I was already saved, that day I turned over my life to God. I no longer considered Jesus merely my Savior but also the Lord of my life. I started studying the Bible and learning about God, His attributes, and His promises. 

After several years, I wanted to volunteer at my local pregnancy center and upon filling out my application, I was honest and (for the first time), acknowledged my abortions. When they contacted me, they asked if I was willing to go through the post-abortion ministry as it was a requirement for anyone with past abortion to be healed before interacting with clients. 

I agreed and went through the bible study Forgiven and Set Free. It changed my life, and I then started co-leading those studies for the 10 years that followed. Eventually I became a paid staff member and am now the Community Relations Director and still lead women through Forgiven and Set Free in a retreat model. I am so thankful for the Lords redemption. John 8:36 is my life verse, "Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!" I have chosen to be "Silent No More" and will forever speak against the lie of abortion.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: Reach Out - Educate - Share