Sad, scared, lonely

,  United States

Sad, scared, lonely

How did you come to have the abortion(s) and who was involved? 

My best friend had one and told me it was fine and I decided that was what I thought I needed to do at that time.

Were you given adequate information and counseling prior to the abortion(s)? 

No, a little bit about the after effects.

How would you describe your abortion(s)? 

Sad, scared, lonely, knowing that it was wrong, felt the Lord would crush me at any time.

How did your abortion(s) affect you and others? 

Drug abuse, shame, couldnt hear the word abortion.

Please describe what you have done to deal with your abortion(s), and whether it helped.

This bible study, and it has been a blessing in my life. Ive grown closer to the Lord.

How do you think your abortion(s) changed your life? 

It has changed. . . I used to feel guilty, but now the Lord has turned my life around. Going through abortion has helped me to realize that the Lord has spoken to me. Hes spoken to me and has called me to talk about abortion with others.

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