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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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The Trauma of Pro-Life Advocates on the Front Lines Shockwaves recognizes pain, offers healing to pro-life activists

Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion in November will focus on understanding and healing the wounds incurred by pro-life advocates when the children they try to save from abortion are killed despite their efforts.
Sidewalk counselors, pregnancy center workers and other pro-life advocates are on the front lines of the abortion battle.  They save many lives by accompanying mothers and fathers facing unplanned pregnancies and praying and intervening with women and their unborn babies at abortion businesses.
Despite their best efforts they are often unable to prevent the child’s death.  Being so closely associated with this loss can be a painful and even a traumatic experience.  Trauma can have a cumulative effect over time, especially for those active for many years in this movement.  
Pro-life advocates can experience some of the same symptoms common to those who experience other kinds of emotional trauma such as depression, anxiety, anger issues and sleep disturbance that can lead to burn-out and a withdrawal from pro life activism. 
“The safe and healthy grieving process found in post-abortion recovery programs can be a great resource for those who have been impacted by this vicarious trauma in their pro life ministry” said Kevin Burke, co-founder of Rachel’s Vineyard and one of the architects of the Shockwaves initiative. 
“Programs such as Rachel’s Vineyard and Forgiven and Set Free have experienced staff and volunteers who create an atmosphere to facilitate the grieving process for those impacted by abortion loss. As you progress through the healing process, and participate in the exercises and scripture meditations, the wounded heart and soul are opened up to God’s grace.  The Lord can cleanse us of any anger, bitterness, despair, anxiety, and depression that can result from front line pro life ministry. “ 
“Pro-life advocates, in every type of pro-life work, are deeply aware of the thousands of lives lost each day in America despite their best efforts to save them. The Shockwaves initiative, and its November theme, helps us realize that we, too, have to grieve the loss of these children, and that this grieving, both on a personal and community level, has to be very deliberate and intentional," said Fr. Frank Pavone, Pastoral Director of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and National Director of Priests for Life.
Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion is an international educational and pastoral effort, launched in January 2015 by the Silent No More Awareness Campaign with the aim of raising awareness about and ministering to a wide variety of groups of people who are impacted when a child is killed by abortion. These groups include mothers, father, grandparents, siblings, survivors, friends, pro-life advocates and those who perform or advocate abortion.
Silent No More co-founders Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life, and Georgette Forney, president of Anglicans for Life, said the pro-life movement has been battered by recent court decisions and is facing the possibility that a pro-abortion candidate could be elected president.
“We know that this work can get discouraging, even heart-breaking,” Mrs. Forney said. “People in pro-life need to know this is normal and can be overcome.”
Mrs. Morana added: “Some life advocates have been in the trenches for 30 years or more, and the only way they can carry on is to give themselves a spiritual recharge. We want to make sure every pro-lifer knows where to find help.”
To learn more about Shockwaves, go to To arrange media interviews with Silent No More leaders or pro-life activists, call Leslie Palma at 347-286-7277 or email her at
The Campaign began November 11, 2002.  As of January 2016, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign has held 1,582 Gatherings in 17 countries & 48 states with 5,978 women and men sharing their abortion testimonies. Testimonies have also been shared at 117 high schools and universities in the last 5 years, 14 in 2015. There are 2,405 testimonies posted on the Campaign website, with 395 that are shared via video!  Currently there are 17,049 people registered with the Campaign representing 77 countries.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a joint project of Anglicans for Life and Priests for Life.  

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Silent No More Awareness Campaign