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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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Desiring to Spare You Deep Pain and Suffering
Minnesota, United States

There is a woman in this world that I would very much like to help if she is in need of it.  When she was a young woman she became pregnant with a married man and I strongly encouraged her to have an abortion.  She didn’t want an abortion. She was very hesitant, but I bullied her into it.

I truly didn’t believe that there was a baby existing in her yet.  I thought that a baby only became live when it exited a woman’s womb and it took it’s first breath of air.  (You know: after the doctor spanked its fanny)  I believed that the only thing that existed in her body was a group of non live cells.

My thoughts were that it would be a great burden for this young woman to keep the child.  I argued that it was best for the baby for many reasons.  The child would not have its biological father to bring it up.  If the young woman ever married there would be the problem of the child’s step father resenting and not really wanting the child. There would be great difficulties in the marriage.

The young woman did have the abortion and to add insult to injury, when this young woman came home from having the abortion depressed and in physical pain, I scoffed at her - I more or less told her to “Get over herself."

How CRUEL, COLD HEARTED and MEAN could that be?

I want to tell her that it’s MY FAULT she had an abortion!  I'm so so, so very sorry!

She wouldn’t have went ahead with it if I hadn’t have strongly argued her into it.  I killed her baby!  I’m so so so sorry. . . but they are such meager words?  They can’t take away the pain or bring her baby back.

I can’t contact her.  I don’t know where she is.  I will never reveal her name or any particulars about her.  I’ve caused enough pain in her life... but if by some miracle she reads this and realizes that it is about her I pray that this message will bring her comfort.

If she ever wants to reveal my name I deserve to have it posted everywhere on a sign that reads ... WANTED FOR MURDER!

I hope the immense pain physically, mentally and emotionally that I have suffered in my life since that incident has and will continue to take away her pain.

I believe that God is just and we reap what we sow.  I took away a life and caused much suffering. 

The following describes just a very few of the sufferings I therefore experienced.

*The child that I so dearly wanted was taken from me.

My strongest desire in life was to be married and be a mother. After being unable to conceive, I spent years seeking medical help to do so.  My husband and I went through countless tests and tried various methods to achieve pregnancy - including the fertility pill. I grieved for days every month for years each time I broken heartedly discovered that I was not with child.

I finally conceived, once, but after three months of extreme joy, it ended in a miscarriage and extreme sorrow. I remember sitting in the doctor’s office after I received the news and being unable to stop my deep soul wrenching tears.  

How much more must the women cry in anguish because they have aborted?

      * I’ve suffered through two damaging hurtful divorces.

      * I’ve co-contributed many years to a miserable heartbreaking third marriage. 

With the help of God and His many helpers on earth, at my age of 63, my husband and I are now beginning to make necessary changes and our marriage is beginning to heal and become real.  Thanks to the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and God and other helpers, my feelings of wretchedness, anguish and despair are vanishing and I am no longer a prisoner of Satan’s torment. 

Please . . .  for your own sake and God’s gift to you (it’s actually God’s baby in a woman’s womb - we are all God's children.) Let the Silent No More Awareness Campaign help you to make the choice that will give you lasting peace and joy. . . Choose Life.

I write this out of love to YOU (all my fellow women and men). In order to try to spare you from experiencing the pain, misery grief and hardships that myself and others who have been victims of Satan’s lies have suffered I believe that I must be Silent No More.


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign