With 30+ years conducting therapeutic groups for women and men who suffer after abortion and working with their families, Dr. Ney is uniquely qualified to affirm the reality of how abortion impacts the family and society and their need for healing. In this audio clip, Dr. Ney endorses Silent No More’s Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion initiative.
Father of heaven and earth,
You have always heard the cries
Of your people who suffer.
You are mercy and compassion,
And the source of all healing and strength.
Through your Son Jesus Christ
You have offered the world
The remedy for sin
And the healing of every wound.
Look upon our families, our nations, and our world,
Deeply damaged by the sin of abortion
And its destructive effect on every relationship.
Enable us to reach out with truth, compassion, and love
To help our brothers and sisters understand
How abortion has hurt them
And how they can begin the journey of healing.
Bless every mom and dad, every sibling and survivor,
Every grandparent and friend,
Every pastor and pro-life advocate
With new strength and wholeness.
Extend your merciful hand to those who perform and sell abortions,
And grant them healing and repentance.
Protect those communities who are targeted by the abortion industry,
And heal and unite every family in your grace.
May the efforts of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign
In this new project of Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion
Become another vivid sign to the world
That you never abandon your people,
And that you are indeed the God who saves, unites, and heals.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.