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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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3199 records were found.  
The Anniversary of the Abortion was Particularly Painful
AK, United States
The anniversary of the abortion was particularly painful, usually spent crying and begging the Lord to forgive me, but without relief. I believe it's because He wanted me to confess this secret. 
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Teen Abortion

Thomas' 2025 March for Life Testimony
FL, United States
Fetal research experiments, that is the legs of abortion, and when we can come together and understand that without fetal research, the abortion facility will crumble. They sell the organs and tissue of these aborted children, including my daughter Clementine. That is why I am silent no more! Thomas' testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington D.C.
Testimony Types - Fathers of Aborted Children - Forced/Coerced Abortion - Late Term Abortion - Questionable Clinic Practices - Video

Mayra's 2025 March for Life Testimony
AZ, United States
I was one of those employees that lied to their face and said, "You will be okay. This is nothing. You can do this." Today, I am silent no more. Mayra's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Former Abortion Providers - Planned Parenthood - Video

Rachel's 2025 March for Life Testimony
TN, United States
I struggled in pain, guilt, and shame. And then it came to the end of myself and I met God or God found me, either way, it was glorious. That is why I am silent no more! Rachel's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Multiple Abortions - Teen Abortion - Video

Stephanie's 2025 March for Life Testimony
FL, United States
Having life sucked from a mama's body, leaves her empty and grieving grief, if not dealt with, becomes anger. And we wonder why we have such an angry nation, 65 million abortions since 1973, and those mothers are still out there. That is why I am silent no more! Stephanie's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Multiple Abortions - Teen Abortion - Video

Angelina's 2025 March for Life Testimony
ON, Canada
I will continue to speak out and be Silent No More until abortion is unthinkable everywhere! Angelina's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Infertility - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Rape and Abortion - Video

Bethany's 2025 March for Life Testimony
MD, United States
As time went on after the abortion, although I knew I was forgiven I never forgot that awful choice I made to abort my baby.  That is why I am silent no more! Bethany's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Video

Brittany's 2025 March for Life Testimony
ND, United States
I had an abortion because I was living a double life and knew that if people found out I had gotten pregnant, that I would be looked at as a fraud. That is why I am silent no more! Brittany's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Teen Abortion - Video

Deborah's 2025 March for Life Testimony
PA, United States
I had an abortion because I was nervous about being pregnant at 17, single, and because my boyfriend wanted me to have one. That is why I am silent no more! Deborah's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington D.C.
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Teen Abortion - Video

Laura's 2025 March for Life Testimony
WI, United States
The abortion lie tries to silence us, but now I use my voice to expose those lies, to expose the dark underbelly of the abortion industry and to offer God’s mercy and grace to anyone who experienced the devastation of abortion. That is why I am silent no more! Laura's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Video

Karyn's 2025 March for Life Testimony
NJ, United States
I was emotionally numb walking in and, yet, at the same time mentally clear for the first time in realizing that what was about to happen was horrifying. That is why I am silent no more! Karyn's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Teen Abortion - Video

Carol Marie's 2025 March for Life Testimony
Carol Marie
CA, United States
Afterwards, I felt dirty and ashamed of what I had done. As time went on, I hid behind a wall of anger to deny that I’d done anything wrong. That is why I am silent no more! Carol Marie's testimony from the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Depression - Healing Program Attended - Infertility - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Multiple Abortions - Rape and Abortion - Teen Abortion - Video

We Were Told that the Decision Had Been Made
LA, United States
I fought against the abortion, and my father drove 9 hours to meet with the family of my child's mother. He tried to reason with her parents and even suggested that he and my mother would adopt the baby. But we were told there was nothing we could do, and the decision had been made.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Depression - Fathers of Aborted Children - Healing Program Attended - Teen Abortion

I Experienced Deep Pain, Shame and Guilt
ND, United States
During the abortion procedure, I experienced deep pain, shame, and guilt, knowing that what I was doing was wrong and also knowing that I could never undo it. I experienced pain no-one could have ever prepared me for. Being only 17 years old, I had never actually attended a doctor’s appointment without a parent present. 

Testimony Types - Depression - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Teen Abortion

After my 3rd abortion, I was merely a Shell of my Former Self.
TN, United States
After my 3rd abortion, I was merely a shell of my former self. I was depressed, angry, hurting, and racked with guilt and shame.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Multiple Abortions

I Felt Deceived and Manipulated by Planned Parenthood
KY, United States
I felt deceived and manipulated by Planned Parenthood. I just hate seeing women continuing to be deceived, that’s why I’m silent no more.
Testimony Types - First Trimester - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Planned Parenthood

I Did Not Want to Abort my Baby
NE, United States
I remember walking into the clinic and hearing the abortion protestors that I had alternatives and to please not kill my baby. I walked into the clinic sobbing because I did not want to abort my baby. I wanted him/her so much. 
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Forced/Coerced Abortion - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions

I Knew it was Wrong, but Wanted Out of the Situation
OR, United States
The morning of the procedure I woke up nauseous, I knew it was wrong, but I wanted out of the situation I was in. All I could think to myself is that I was only about 8 weeks along and the baby wouldn't feel any pain.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Depression - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Suicide and Abortion

It is Our Child
NS, Canada
So, here I am. Battle scarred. Truly brought low by the reality of a sinful nature. I pray to coordinate with all Godly men and women, to make hatred for the sin of murder so real, and love for God so profound… that we can say “thy will be done” no matter what challenges we face in pregnancy. Because it is our child.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - First Trimester - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions

My Mom decided that I Would have an Abortion
IN, United States
When I was 18 and a senior in high school, I made some foolish choices that led to me getting pregnant. When my mom found out she became angry and decided that I would have an abortion.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Depression - Forced/Coerced Abortion - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Substance Abuse - Teen Abortion

I Felt caged by Silence, Guilt, and Shame
Leah Wilkinson-Brockway
WA, United States
From the time of the abortion, I felt like a caged bird. Caged by silence, guilt and shame. I realized that something about it was terribly wrong. "My body, myself" brought me no comfort. I had chosen the death of my child; that did not seem natural or normal.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Depression - Healing Program Attended - Health Reason for Abortion - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Substance Abuse - Teen Abortion

Bought into the "Girl Power" Propaganda
NH, United States
I had completely bought into the “girl power” propaganda being fed to me constantly by the magazines I was reading, and the media I was watching and listening to. In 1992 there was no internet to search for truth, you believed what you heard and you assumed that everyone had your best interest in mind when they spoke.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions

Lots of Encouragement to Get the Abortion
TN, United States
Lots of encouragement to get the abortion and not offering any desirable alternative options. They only mentioned you could give the baby up for adoption or keep the child in one sentence. Most of the interview was telling me how “I’m making the right choice to abort”.
Testimony Types - Broken Relationships - Depression - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Substance Abuse

Annette's 2022 March for Life Ottawa Testimony
ON, Canada
And then I got pregnant. I used contraception and I got pregnant. I arranged my own abortion. I felt I was doing the right thing for the world, my parents, and me. Annette's testimony from the 2022 March for Life in Ottawa.
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Teen Abortion - Video

Julia's 2022 March for Life Ottawa Testimony
ON, Canada
I placed my trust in a doctor I found and the abortion took place in a major hospital, under anesthetic. All the people involved, including myself, played our part in this procedure, to get it over and done with. Julia's testimony from the 2022 March for Life in Ottawa.
Testimony Types - Healing Program Attended - Moms Who Regret Their Abortions - Multiple Abortions - Video

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Silent No More Awareness Campaign