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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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National Speakers

The purpose of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign is to talk about the reality of abortion. In addition to the testimonies of thousands featured on this website, the following individuals can also speak on the topic as well as the Campaign itself. To search for Local Speakers, please visit our Regional Coordinator page. Silent No More Awareness Campaign Regional Coordinators are our Local Leaders and are typically available to share their abortion testimony.

Julia Holcomb  Dr. Alveda King Jennifer O'Neil
Julia Holcomb
Author and Artist
Dr. Alveda C. King
Pastoral Associate, Priests for Life Director, African American Outreach
Jennifer O'Neill
Internationally acclaimed actress, film and television star, entrepreneur, spokeswoman and author
Georgette Forney
President, Anglicans for Life Co-Founder, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Fr. Terry Gensemer
Pastoral Associate, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Janet Morana
Executive Director, Priests for Life Co-Founder, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Frank A. Pavone
National Director of Priests for Life; Pastoral Director of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and of Rachel's Vineyard
Kevin Burke
Pastoral Associate, Priests for Life
Julia Holcomb

Julia HolcombWhen Julia Holcomb was 16 years old she became the legal ward of Steven Tyler, lead singer of the rock band Aerosmith and current American Idol judge. At age 17, when she was 5 months pregnant with Tyler's first child, and engaged to marry him, she barely survived a fire that burned their apartment. While still in the hospital recovering from smoke inhalation she was coerced into a horrific saline abortion. She is the author of the memoir The Light of the World - the Steven Tyler and Julia Holcomb story, published on Life Site News and credits her faith in Jesus Christ as the life-line that helped her rebuild her life after her abortion trauma.

She writes, "I pray that all those who have had abortions or have participated in any way in an abortion procedure may find in my story, not judgment or condemnation, but a renewed hope in God's steadfast love, forgiveness and peace. Marriage and the family are the building blocks of all virtuous societies. I pray that our nation may find it's way back to God's plan by respecting the life of unborn children and strengthening the sanctity of marriage."

Today Julia is happily married to her husband of 30 years and together they have 7 children. Julia is also an accomplished artist, having studied painting at the University of Houston and the Toronto Academy of Realist Art. She specializes in iconography, portraiture and landscape.

Dr. Alveda King
Dr. Alveda KingAlveda C. King, PhD, uses her God-given talents and abilities to glorify God and uphold the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb, and beyond.

She currently serves as a Board Member and Senior Advisor to Priests for Life, on whose pastoral team she served for some 16 years. She serves as Chair of the America First Policy Institute’s Center for the American Dream. She is also a voice for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, sharing her testimony of two abortions, God’s forgiveness, and healing.

Dr. Alveda C. King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and a Christian Evangelist. Author of the best seller KING RULES and WE’RE NOT COLORBLIND, she is also founder of Speak for Life and currently serves as a Fox News Channel contributor and is the host of "Alveda King’s House" on Fox Nation and NEWSMAX opinion contributor; a member of Optimist International; former college professor; and a film and music veteran. Alveda is also a former Georgia State Legislator, a twice assigned Presidential appointee, a 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award and the Cardinal John O’Connor Pro-Life Hall of Fame Award (2011).

Evangelist King lives in Atlanta, where she is the grateful mother of six and a blessed grandmother. Dr. King lives in Atlanta, where she is the grateful mother of six and a doting grandmother.

Printer-friendly version of Alveda's Bio in pdf format

To arrange a media interview, email or call 917-697-7039.
To invite Alveda King to speak in your area, contact our Speakers Bureau at 321-500-1000, ext. 255 or fill out our online form or Email:

Jennifer O’Neill
Jennifer O'NeilInternationally acclaimed actress, film and television star, entrepreneur, spokeswoman, author, proud mother of three, and noted among the most beautiful women in the world, by any definition, Jennifer O’Neill is one of a kind. With thirty-plus feature films, numerous television movies and series to her credit, she continues to be a major force in the industry.

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to an English mother and a Spanish-Irish father, Ms. O’Neill’s career first began when her family moved from Connecticut to New York City. Blessed with great energy and beauty, Jennifer quickly entered international modeling at age fifteen while still a student at the prestigious Dalton School in Manhattan. Having developed a passion for horses while visiting her grandparents in Brazil, Jennifer saw modeling as a way to own her first steed. The world of magazine covers quickly lead to other goals, and, after auditioning, she was accepted into the Neighborhood Playhouse, New York’s esteemed school of acting. It only took a short while before her unique qualities were noticed by the great director Howard Hawks, who cast her to star opposite John Wayne in Rio Lobo. Jennifer was a leading actress, married and a mother by age twenty-one.
After her film debut, and against the advice of her agents, Jennifer accepted a role in the “small” film, Summer of ‘42. Her hauntingly beautiful portrayal of Dorothy made Jennifer O’Neill a household name, and today Summer of ‘42 is one of home videos’ most popular titles. The film has become a true classic with Jennifer’s performance hailed as legendary, not only by the public, but by her peers.

Stimulated by creative opportunities that lie behind the camera, Ms. O’Neill soon moved to Europe and placed herself under the tutelage of master Italian director Luchino Visconti, where she turned in an award winning performance in his final film, The Innocent, costarring Giancarlo Giannini. More importantly, with Visconti, she expanded her range as an actress and began to learn the art of film making from this world-renowned auteur. Returning home, Ms. O’Neill continued to star in a succession of profitable films such as Blake Edward’s The Carey Treatment, with James Coburn, Caravans, with Anthony Quinn, The Reincarnation of Peter Proud, with Michael Sarrazin, A Force of One, with Chuck Norris, Lady Ice, with Robert Duvall and Donald Sutherland, and the David Cronenberg blockbuster Scanners.

The first television Movie of the Week in which she starred, Love’s Savage Fury, scored a 39 share, making it ABC’s top-rated movie of the year. Her next television project, The Other Victim, costarring William Devane for CBS, was hailed as one of the years Top 10 films, followed by her own series Cover-Up (CBS). And of course, we’ve all seen her impressive spokeswoman campaign for CoverGirl - Jennifer’s unprecedented thirty-year endorsement of the product catapulted CoverGirl into the top selling makeup line in the country.

As if all this activity weren’t enough to fill the day, Ms. O’Neill is also a constant worker for charitable causes, having served as chairperson for the American Cancer Society as well as being a staunch supporter of the Retinitis Pigmetosa Foundation and the Arthritis Foundation. Most recently, she hosts a one hour special for World Vision shot in Africa concerning the HIV epidemic. In addition, she remains actively involved with her childhood love of animals, sponsoring the Jennifer O’Neill Tennis Tournament to benefit the ASPCA, and fund-raiser for Guiding Eyes for the blind. To date, Jennifer continues to successfully train and show champion horses and resides in Nashville, Tennessee.

As an author, Ms. O’Neill penned her autobiography, CoverStoryto be released in 2010. Her other published works include; From Fallen To Forgiven, You’re Not Alone and her fiction series - Circle of Friends: Just Off Main. Jennifer’s newest novels,All That Glitters and Ress-Q-Pets are also set for publication and film production.

Along with her books’ rave reviews have come corporate and testimonial speaking engagements that are both inspirational and practical in nature. By adding this new dimension to her roster of talents, Jennifer embraces the “one on one” sharing of life’s experiences with a passion and enthusiasm that resonates with all generations.

The Official Jennifer O'Neill Website

Georgette Forney
Georgette Forney is entering her 14th year as President of Anglicans for Life, the only global Anglican ministry dedicated to inspiring the Anglican Church to understand and compassionately apply God’s Word when addressing abortion, abstinence, adoption, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research. She is also the co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, an effort to raise awareness about the physical, spiritual and emotional harm abortion does to women and to let those who are hurting from abortion know help is available. Since officially launching the Campaign in 2003, 4,641 women and men have shared their testimonies at 771 Gatherings that have occurred in 48 states and 10 countries with more than 159,429 spectators having heard the truth about abortion’s negative after-affects. More than 9,027 people have registered online to be silent no more.

Georgette had an abortion at age sixteen and later experienced healing, forgiveness and reconciliation after going through an abortion recovery program. Through that she developed a greater understanding of the negative impact abortion has on women and the need to highlight the issue as an abortion survivor. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Abortion Recovery International Network (ARIN) that is compiling the only comprehensive online database of Abortion Recovery Counselors so others who hurt can get connected to healing programs.

She has spoken at many CPC banquets, pro-life conferences, conventions, churches, rallies, and university and college campuses. She served as the host for the television infomercial “Tilly.” In addition, she has addressed the Pro-Life Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives concerning abortion and women and gave testimony at the Senate Commerce sub-committee on Science, Technology and Space Hearing, chaired by Senator Brownback (KS-R) regarding the impact of abortion on women’s health. Recently Georgette has spoken at the SPUC Annual Conference in England, Princeton University’s Organization of Women Leaders Conference and in May 2005 she attended a meeting with 19 religious leaders and President Bush. She has done numerous print, radio and television interviews for local, syndicated and national shows, papers and magazines.

Georgette lives in Sewickley, Pennsylvania, with her husband and daughter.
Fr. Terry Gensemer
Fr. Terry Gensemer served as a pastor for more than 20 years in the Birmingham area. He now serves full-time as the International Director of CEC For Life and a Board Member of the National Pro-life Religious Council. He also serves as Pastoral Care Associate for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and Pastoral Director of the Society of Centurions – a group which hosts healing retreats for those who have left the abortion industry. He is married to Dr. Patricia Gensemer and has 2 daughters, Shana and Merissa, as well as 7 grandchildren.

His expertise includes urban ministry, racial reconciliation and pro-life youth work. As pastor of several urban churches, Fr. Gensemer has been very active in citywide pro-life activities and in efforts to reach the most vulnerable members of the inner-city community. He developed a mentoring program for at-risk families in 1999 that received national recognition.

In 2001, he became the Director of his denomination’s newly formed pro-life organization, Charismatic Episcopal Church For Life (CEC For Life). He uses his position as a denominational leader to bring unity and strategy to the Body of Christ.

Fr. Gensemer has authored many articles and his ministry has been featured in numerous magazines in the United States, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom, along with many other national and local radio and television stations and news publications. He speaks at and organizes pro-life events, youth activities, conferences and prayer vigils around the globe, especially in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, East Africa, Spain, France and the Philippines.
Janet Morana
Janet A. Morana serves as the Executive Director of Priests for Life and the Co-Founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, the world’s largest mobilization of women and men who have lost children to abortion.

Mrs. Morana was born in Brooklyn, NY. She holds a degree in foreign languages and a Masters degree in Education, as well as a Professional Diploma in Reading from St. John's University, graduating with several awards for academic excellence. For eleven years, Mrs. Morana served as a full-time public school teacher in Staten Island, New York. During that time, she spearheaded numerous literacy, science, cultural and educational programs and won many awards and financial grants for her school district.

Since 1989, Mrs. Morana has held various local and national leadership roles in the pro-life movement. She served on the board of the Staten Island Right to Life Committee. She ran for the New York City Council on the Right-to-Life Line and received the largest percentage of votes of any Right to Life candidate in the Party's history.

She has assisted Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, since his ordination in 1988. She has traveled extensively throughout the country and the world, giving pro-life training seminars for clergy and laity, including at Pontifical universities in Rome, and representing Priests for Life at national and international pro-life conferences. She has helped coordinate relationships between pro-life organizations and the Vatican as well as the White House.

She is featured on Fr. Pavone's Defending Life television series on EWTN. She is the Co-host and Producer of the Gospel of Life series seen on Sky Angel Network. She is a weekly guest on EWTN Global Catholic Radio with Teresa Tomeo and numerous other media outlets. She is the co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, an international effort to assist women who have had abortions to share their testimonies. In 2003 she addressed the Pro-Life Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives on life issues. In 2009 the international Legatus organization bestowed upon her the Cardinal John O’Connor Pro-life Hall of Fame Award.
Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone

Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone is one of the most prominent pro-life leaders in the world. Originally from New York, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1988 by Cardinal John O’Connor, and since 1993 has served full-time in pro-life leadership. He is National Director of Priests for Life, and travels throughout the country, to an average of four states every week, preaching and teaching against abortion and promoting healing. Fr. Pavone was asked by Mother Teresa to address the clergy of India on healing after abortion. He has also addressed the pro-life caucus of the United States House of Representatives on this topic.

He serves as National Pastoral Director and Chairman of the Board of Rachel's Vineyard, the world’s largest ministry for healing the wounds of abortion. He also serves as Pastoral Director of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, which ministers to Moms, Dads and families who have lost children to abortion and mobilizes them worldwide to share their testimonies.

He ministers to the "Centurions," an international association of former abortionists seeking forgiveness and healing. He was a spiritual guide to Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" of Roe vs. Wade, and she called him “the catalyst that brought me into the Catholic Church.” He has helped to co-ordinate and promote healing after abortion throughout the world as an official of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. He is the author of four books, Ending Abortion, Not Just Fighting It; Pro-life Reflections for Every Day; Abolishing Abortion, and Proclaiming the Message of Life. He also co-authored several books on healing with Dr. Theresa and Kevin Burke, such as Rivers of Blood; Oceans of Mercy. He also wrote a number of prayer booklets, including In the Heart of His Mercy: Prayers to Heal the Wounds of Abortion.

Kevin Burke
Kevin is a licensed social worker, Co-Founder of Rachel's Vineyard Ministries and a Pastoral Associate of Priests For Life. He is a graduate of The Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work. Kevin's presentations address the effects of abortion on men, couples and families and effective post abortion ministry for Clergy and Counselors.

The Rachel’s Vineyard ™ support group and retreat models are now offered in 49 states. The international outreach of Rachel’s Vineyard is now in over 70 countries with 22 translations and more in progress. Over 1000 retreats are held annually worldwide.

Kevin is the co-author of Redeeming A Father’s Heart-Men Share Powerful Stories of Abortion Loss and Recovery and Sharing The Heart of Christ: Safe and Effective Post Abortion Ministry for Clergy and Counselors co- authored with his wife Theresa Burke and Fr Frank Pavone.

Kevin and Theresa are authors of Grief to Grace-A Retreat for Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse and Contemplating the Shroud: Meditations on the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus (Pauline Books and Media). He has contributed to and authored articles on post-abortion healing. Kevin participates regularly in radio interviews, has been a guest on EWTN and Fr. Frank Pavone's program Gospel of Life on the Sky Angel Network.

Kevin formerly served as the administrator of Mother's Home, a crisis pregnancy residence that provides housing, computer job training and programs for women and their children. Kevin also worked as a clinical social work supervisor for Catholic Social Services in Philadelphia.

Kevin and his wife Theresa have worked together in marriage and family counseling and established Covenant Family Resources, a licensed children and youth agency that supports couples as they build families through adoption. They also spent 15 years working in youth ministry. Their development of high school retreats and youth programs earned them the "Apostle to Youth Award," which recognized their contribution to the spiritual growth of the teenagers in Philadelphia.

Kevin's greatest blessing is his wife Theresa and their 5 wonderful children.
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Silent No More Awareness Campaign