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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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Recommended Reading for Someone Seeking Abortion Testimonies


Forgiven: Finding Peace in the Aftermath of Abortion
by Christina Ryan Claypool
ISBN Number: 0-7880-2112-5
Published by: New Creation Ministries
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From Fallen To Forgiven
by Jennifer O'Neill
ISBN Number: 0-8499-1715-8

Nameless No More
By Shadia Hrichi
Who would name their child “Nameless?” I did. As a scared, pregnant 15-year old girl, I believed the child living within me was nothing but a lifeless mass. Twenty-five years later, I came face-to-face with a scar hidden so deep, it would take a miracle to bring it to the surface . . . “Nameless No More” is an extraordinary true story of courage and hope, reminding us that our journeys of healing just may lead us to a place we never expected. Published by: Beautiful Voice Ministries (August 2010) $8.99 ISBN 978-0-615-37400-0
Into The Light
by Nicole W. Cooley
ISBN Number: 978-1-4141-1064-6
Published by: Pleasant Word (a division of Wine Press Publishing, PO Box 428, Enumclaw, WA 98022)
Georgette Forney wrote the forward for the book, Into The Light. This is what she had to say about it: Into The Light is an incredibly courageous book. Nicole’s willingness to honestly discuss rape, abortion, pornography addiction and many other painful experiences is a testimony of God’s strength working in broken people. Every person who reads this book can connect with some part of her story and learn as Nicole did more about God’s healing grace. I strongly recommend this book for everyone; it teaches us to have more compassion for one another and encourages us to face our traumas.
Motherhood Interrupted
by Jane Brennan
ISBN Number: 978-1-4363-0229-6
Motherhood Interrupted is a compilation of stories by women who have experienced an abortion and its painful after effects. The book chronicles their journeys toward healing and redemption through God's mercy and forgiveness.

Silent No More
by Sister Anne Sophie
ISBN 1 57918 269 0
Sister Sophie is our Regional Coordinator in Corpus Christi, Texas. In her book, she shares her powerful testimony that will help you find the courage to stand as a witness to a world in need of the Gospel of Life.
Real Abortion Stories
Edited by Barbara Horak
Surviving Myself
ISBN Number: 0-688-15992-3
Mommy Let Me Live
by Lakisha Chapman, Silent No More Awareness Campaign Regional Coordinator
ISBN-13: 978-1448971558
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This book gives profound information about abortion. I not only share my personal testimony but I have included testimonies of other women and their experience relating to abortion. It provides a background of the history of abortion, which has been going on for centuries, so there is really nothing new under the sun. It discusses the process of elimination by giving detailed information surrounding the types and techniques used and how women can develop PAS (Post Abortion Syndrome) after they’ve experienced abortion and much, much more. At some point this book may make you angry, cry and even laugh.

God had planted something deep down in my heart and I had to bring it to the light. I knew this was a special assignment from God. My mission in writing this book is to encourage women, men & teenagers all over the world to let their baby live and give them a chance at life, like your mother gave you.. God created us because He wants us here. Every single person has a purpose. God don’t make accidents, he makes plans. Before a child is even thought of by the parents, God knows him and the plans God has for that child. There are alternatives to abortion which are listed inside of this book, which provide help so you can choose life. Please educate yourself and become aware because knowledge is power. My goal is to change a negative thought into a positive mind-set. My objective is to plant a message deep within your heart that will drive you to set, reposition yourself & your thinking from the inside out.

This book was not written to bash or judge anyone who may be now or in the future in a difficult situation and feel abortion is the only way out. For it has been written to encourage you to let your baby live, save our babies, save you and discourage all who may be involved from making a decision today that will change your life and you will regret tomorrow, to inspire women & teenagers to awaken the greatness that is on the inside of them that will lead to an abundant life, not only for them but for their children as well, to educate, empower, bring healing to those who need it, to testify about the God I serve and what He not only can do but what He did do!
You Aren't Alone, The Voices of Abortion
by Peggy Kirk, M.A.
ISBN 1-57733-113-3
Published by: Blue Dolphin Publishing, P.O. Box 8, Nevada City, CA 95959, 1-800-643-0765

The Power of Choices
by Tracy A. Medling
ISBN 9780983476214
The Power of Choices is one woman’s personal testimony of her journey through this emotional minefield. It is a look back at the progression of choices that resulted in the most pain-inducing decision of her life, the consequences she has had to deal with as a result, and the conclusions she has come to in the 32 years since this 20 minute event occurred. It is an exploration of personal responsibility and the grace that enables us all to accept and pursue it, one decision at a time.

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