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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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I realize that I have a LONG way to go in healing, but you have given me and others the opportunity to share our painful stories and to be SILENT NO MORE...

by Joan  



Social Networking 
Photo Galleries of Silent No More Events and Activities
Canada March for Life - May 9, 2024 [Photo] Sacramento March for Life-Interview with Channel 13 [Photo]
Pro-Life Fair [Photo] Planned Parenthood Glendale Presence [Photo]
March for Life Arizona 2024 [Photo] Arizona March for Life [Photo]
Priests for Life and Silent No More Campaign at the Virginia March for Life, Richmond – February 21, 2024 [Photo] The Vista 40 Days for Life campaign [Photo]
First Saturday Brunch [Photo] Prayer Rally with Fr. Stephen [Photo]
Starts With Us Citizen Solution Session [Photo] The East Tennessee Catholic Article [Photo]
Rosary Sunday-Diocese of Phoenix [Photo] An Evening with Silent No More-Talk to Students for Life [Photo]
40 Days for Life Sidewalk Presence [Photo] Life Chain 2023 [Photo]
Day of Remembrance of Aborted Children [Photo] National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn [Photo]
40 Days for Life [Photo] Faith & Healing Series [Photo]
Faith & Healing Series-hit photo-click on links [Photo] May 2023 Prolife Event [Photo]
Unborn Memorial [Photo] March for Life Ottawa 2023 [Photo]
Janet Morana and Silent No More Awareness Campaign at Canada March for Life - May 11, 2023 [Photo] Perpetuating the Culture of Death Article [Photo]
Life Advocate Resource Conference [Photo] California March for Life 2023 [Photo]
Arizona March for Life [Photo] Life News Testimony Article [Photo]
Kansas March for Life [Photo] 2023 Summit County March for Life [Photo]
Remembering Roe [Photo] Silent No More Awareness Campaign Gathering at the March for Life 2023 [Photo]
Light House Church [Photo] New Hampshire Right to Life March for Life [Photo]
Life Talk Northwest Podcast [Photo] Testimony/Impact of RvW [Photo]
Respect Life Month Program [Photo] Florida Council of Catholic Women Conference [Photo]
Rosary Celebration [Photo] Life Chain, Defuniak Springs, FL - October 2, 2022 [Photo]
Life Chain, Kansas - October 2, 2022 [Photo] Fr. Frank Pavone in New Mexico for 40 Days for Life Rallies, Santa Fe and Albuquerque, NM - September 25, 2022 [Photo]
Our Female Veterans Deserve More Article [Photo] Stark County Ohio National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, Maximo, OH - September 10, 2022 [Photo]
The Epoch Times-Interview [Photo] Chicago March for Life 2022-Jennifer Shea's Testimony [Photo]
March for Life Chicago - July 9, 2022 [Photo] Rally for Life at Planned Parenthood in Missouri - June 25, 2022 [Photo]
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Silent No More Awareness Campaign