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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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Brittany's 2025 March for Life Testimony
North Dakota, United States

I had an abortion because I was living a double life and knew that if people found out I had gotten pregnant, that I would be looked at as a fraud. I chose to have my abortion as a minor through judicial bypass so that my mom would not have  to know or give permission. During the abortion procedure, I experienced deep pain, shame, and guilt, knowing that what I was doing was wrong and also knowing that I could never undo it. I experienced pain no-one could have ever prepared me for. 

Being only 17 years old, I had never actually attended a doctor’s appointment without a parent present. To have such an invasive procedure done with zero parental involvement or guidance should never have been allowed, though I do take responsibility for my decision because I knew that I was making a grave mistake and taking a life. As time went on after the abortion I became emotionally unhinged and experienced a lot of anger and disrespect for myself as a person. I lost my sense of femininity and desire to care for myself.

Thankfully, I found help and forgiveness through attending a Forgiven & Set Free study and learning the gospel for the first time. I found a support system of other women who have gone through the same thing, and believe God has called me to share to help other escape their chains of shame and guilt. That is why I am silent no more


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign