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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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Knowing that other PA women were sharing their stories publically encouraged me to do likewise.




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Bethany's 2025 March for Life Testimony
Maryland, United States

Hi, my name is Bethany Lynn Williams, from Brooklyn, New York and I had an abortion in 1988 because I’m a Pastor’s daughter who was terrified that I got pregnant my very first time ever having sexual intercourse.  I was afraid that my family would not understand and support me through an unplanned pregnancy.  

During the abortion procedure, I remember discomfort, noises and wanting to block everything out because I was a Christian when I chose abortion and I knew it was wrong. 

After the abortion I was lulled into feeling like my problem was over and I would forget about it and never tell another living soul other than my baby’s father who took me, paid for the abortion, and supported me through everything.  

As time went on after the abortion, although I knew I was forgiven I never forgot that awful choice I made to abort my baby.  I had a solid relationship with Jesus so condemnation didn’t grip me like it could have but I always remembered and thought I would keep the secret forever.

I ultimately found support and complete healing at my church, The First Baptist Church of Glenarden, through our abortion recovery and healing ministry called BEAUTY FOR ASHES.  We use the vital Bible Study tools, namely - Surrendering the Secret, Forgiven & Set Free, and Answering the Call.  

It was eye-opening to realize there was a difference between being forgiven and actually being healed from all the ugliness associated with my abortion like guilt, shame, bitterness and embarrassment.  Once I was able to fully embrace the benefits of being forgiven and healed, then I could hold my head high and declare to other women in need of freedom, the glorious opportunity that awaits them when they fully surrender their hearts and their secrets to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  THIS IS WHY I AM SILENT NO MORE!!!  


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign