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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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by Tammy  



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Laura's 2025 March for Life Testimony
Wisconsin, United States

Recently I participated in a project meant to reduce polarization by finding common ground. Our topic was abortion. We began by sharing our stories that shaped our thoughts and beliefs. I shared my story of how abortion traumatized me.

My experiences triggered the pro-abortion participants because my experiences expose the lies of abortion.

I chose abortion out of shame of my circumstances. The abortion lie says pro-life people would shame me for being pregnant and unmarried. Reality is that pro-abortion people told me I couldn’t overcome my circumstances.

The abortion lie says Planned Parenthood helps women. But Planned Parenthood lied to me – without an examination they told me I had an ectopic pregnancy and if I didn’t hurry and get an abortion I could die. Reality is that ectopic pregnancies cannot be diagnosed without an examination, and more importantly, that a suction abortion will not resolve an ectopic pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood continued to lie to me – they told me I only had clump of cells inside me. Reality shows that my 8 week old baby had a functioning heart and brain, and fingers, toes, eyes and ears.

The abortion lie says abortion should be between a woman and her doctor. Reality is that I never met the doctor before he walked in to the procedure room.

The abortion lie says abortionists care about women and only want to help them. Reality is that when I cried and told the doctor to stop because it hurt and I didn’t want to do it, his response was “You should have thought of that before.”

The abortion lie says the clinic staff are so caring and helpful. Reality was the nurse getting angry and yelling at me for getting sick during the procedure.

The abortion lie is to “Shout Your Abortion!” Reality was that I was more alone than before – there were no pro-abortion people offering me support. There was no one to help me deal with the anger, depression, nightmares and suicidal thoughts. It was destroying me from the inside. The clinic offered nothing.

That is where the Ultimate Truth stepped into my life. God showed me I was not alone, if I followed Him. God lifted me out of the black and desperate pit and set my feet on His path. He gave me hope and healing. He gave me my life back – a fresh new life.

It is critically important that we share our stories of trauma and God’s redemption.
It is critically important that you all share our stories far beyond our reach.
There are countless women hurting and alone, who need to hear of God’s forgiveness and love.

The abortion lie tries to silence us, but now I use my voice to expose those lies, to expose the dark underbelly of the abortion industry and to offer God’s mercy and grace to anyone who experienced the devastation of abortion. 

That is why I am silent no more.


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign