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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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I attended one of the very first "Silent No More" marches in Atlanta during the annual March For Life in January.




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Rachel's 2025 March for Life Testimony
Tennessee, United States

Good afternoon. My name is Rachel Davis and I'm from Memphis, Tennessee. And I'm here to tell you that abortion is not the answer that anyone is seeking in an unplanned pregnancy. At the age of 19, I had an unplanned pregnancy, and after that pregnancy had postpartum depression and that changed my life. And then I got pregnant again and I could not have another baby. And so I made the choice to abort that baby.

In the span of three years I had three abortions and it wrecked every single relationship I had in my life. I could not mother, my infant child. I did not know how to relate to my boyfriend. I was angry and hurting. And when I went for my first abortion and I was bleeding out in the bathroom of that abortion clinic, and I said, "I don't think this is right." They said, "Maybe you should see a doctor." I said, "I thought that's what you were." And when I said, "What about the baby?" They said, "You shouldn't think about that." So I didn't for years, and I struggled in pain, guilt and shame.

And then it came to the end of myself and I met God or God found me, either way, it was glorious. And I came back to him and he said, "Just accept me and be healed. Jesus did it on the cross. You are forgiven." And that invitation is open to every single person regardless of what you have done because John 8:36 says, "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed."

And now it is my job to work at a pregnancy center in Memphis, Tennessee, where we educate and empower women to choose and cherish life, and we do post-abortion healing. And I can freely stand up and say that I am silent no more and Jesus can save. So thank you very much for being here. Thank you for listening to my testimony and God bless you all.


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign