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Karyn's 2024 March for Life Testimony
New Jersey, United States

In 2010 I gave my testimony here with Silent No More as a 36-year-old woman who had an abortion.   

Now, at 50 years old, I'm feeling fierce! I admit I was skeptical that Roe v. Wade would ever be overturned but with GOD all things truly are possible!!! 

I regret my abortion today just as I did on that dreary day in November 1989 when I woke up alone, afraid and uninformed in a room with four other weeping young ladies whose wombs and souls had been gutted like mine. 

I’ll never forget the look of horror in the eyes of the one girl and how she mirrored my grief. Her eyes offered the only understanding and compassion I had for years as I suffered alone in silence.

Depression, drug abuse, thoughts of suicide, pregnant again within 18 months and a premature delivery rendered me a perfect fit for the statistics of girls in my shoes. A statistic. Just a number.

Who warned 16-year-old me beforehand? NO ONE

Who told me I’d likely develop auto immune diseases, one after the other, and live a life of chronic pain and suffering? NO ONE. 

Was there research to support that what I experienced was the norm? There sure was! 
Is there medical evidence to support that some women develop very aggressive breast cancer if they inherited a certain gene and had an abortion?!  Yes! 

At the documented rate of 15% of women with predisposing factors + abortion, if we go by the low estimate of 626,000 thousand abortions in 2021, that would leave 94,000 new abortion-linked breast cancer cases in one year, waiting to be diagnosed. Why is this a secret? 

Anyone who claims to support a woman right to choose should know that abortion is the most unnatural choice a woman could make regarding HER BODY… one that causes a chain reaction that can reverse the body’s natural response to protect itself, and so the body attacks itself and AUTOIMMUNE diseases take over.

Why are depression, suicide, autoimmune disease and breast cancer so prevalent worldwide? Why are women still uninformed? WHY? 

Because knowledge is power; it changes minds! It gives us the power to choose differently. 

For those of us who believe God became Incarnate in Jesus Christ & that Almighty GOD chose life through a woman’s womb, can we agree  the womb is sacred, as it literally delivered us from evil…& can we agree that Satan waged war on the womb as an affront to God Almighty?     

My mother had a saying, “Tell the truth and shame the devil” 

I’m here to say I’m devoted to promoting the TRUTH ABOUT CHOICE!!! 

With a name like Karyn, I was born for this! I hope to “KARYN” the hell quite literally out of this evil agenda! 

May God protect & guide us


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