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Our Founders

Janet Morana   Georgette Forney
Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life   Georgette Forney, President of Anglicans for Life

Janet A. Morana serves as the Executive Director of Priests for Life and the Co-Founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, the world’s largest mobilization of women and men who have lost children to abortion.

Mrs. Morana was born in Brooklyn, NY. She holds a degree in foreign languages and a Masters degree in Education, as well as a Professional Diploma in Reading from St. John's University, graduating with several awards for academic excellence. For eleven years, Mrs. Morana served as a full-time public school teacher in Staten Island, New York. During that time, she spearheaded numerous literacy, science, cultural and educational programs and won many awards and financial grants for her school district.

Since 1989, Mrs. Morana has held various local and national leadership roles in the pro-life movement. She served on the board of the Staten Island Right to Life Committee. She ran for the New York City Council on the Right-to-Life Line and received the largest percentage of votes of any Right to Life candidate in the Party's history.

She has assisted Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, since his ordination in 1988. She has traveled extensively throughout the country and the world, giving pro-life training seminars for clergy and laity, including at Pontifical universities in Rome, and representing Priests for Life at national and international pro-life conferences. She has helped coordinate relationships between pro-life organizations and the Vatican as well as the White House.

She is featured on Fr. Pavone's Defending Life television series on EWTN. She is the Co-host and Producer of the Gospel of Life series seen on Sky Angel Network. She is a weekly guest on EWTN Global Catholic Radio with Teresa Tomeo and numerous other media outlets. She is the co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, an international effort to assist women who have had abortions to share their testimonies. In 2003 she addressed the Pro-Life Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives on life issues. In 2009 the international Legatus organization bestowed upon her the Cardinal John O’Connor Pro-life Hall of Fame Award.

Janet's Bio in Spanish (PDF)

Read More of Janet's Story

Read an endorsement for Janet

Janet Morana at the DE Pro-Life Coalition (2004)

Janet speaks at the Heartbeat Int. Conference -
May 17, 2006

Janet Morana on Immaculate Heart Radio: Voice for Life - Sharing the heart of the Christian Faith (June 24, 2004)
- [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

To arrange a media interview, contact Jerry Horn at (540) 785-4733, Email:

To invite Janet to speak in your area, contact the Priests for Life Travel Department at
Tel: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-7191


Georgette Forney is entering her 14th year as President of Anglicans for Life, the only global Anglican ministry dedicated to inspiring the Anglican Church to understand and compassionately apply God’s Word when addressing abortion, abstinence, adoption, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research. She is also the co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, an effort to raise awareness about the physical, spiritual and emotional harm abortion does to women and to let those who are hurting from abortion know help is available. Since officially launching the Campaign in 2003, 4,641 women and men have shared their testimonies at 771 Gatherings that have occurred in 48 states and 10 countries with more than 159,429 spectators having heard the truth about abortion’s negative after-affects. More than 9,027 people have registered online to be silent no more.

Georgette had an abortion at age sixteen and later experienced healing, forgiveness and reconciliation after going through an abortion recovery program. Through that she developed a greater understanding of the negative impact abortion has on women and the need to highlight the issue as an abortion survivor. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Abortion Recovery International Network (ARIN) that is compiling the only comprehensive online database of Abortion Recovery Counselors so others who hurt can get connected to healing programs.

She has spoken at many CPC banquets, pro-life conferences, conventions, churches, rallies, and university and college campuses. She served as the host for the television infomercial “Tilly.” In addition, she has addressed the Pro-Life Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives concerning abortion and women and gave testimony at the Senate Commerce sub-committee on Science, Technology and Space Hearing, chaired by Senator Brownback (KS-R) regarding the impact of abortion on women’s health. Recently Georgette has spoken at the SPUC Annual Conference in England, Princeton University’s Organization of Women Leaders Conference and in May 2005 she attended a meeting with 19 religious leaders and President Bush. She has done numerous print, radio and television interviews for local, syndicated and national shows, papers and magazines.

Georgette lives in Sewickley, Pennsylvania, with her husband and daughter.

Georgette shares her testimony

To invite Georgette to speak in your area, contact Anglicans for Life at Tel: (800)-707-6635 or

Anglicans for Life
405 Frederick Ave
Sewickley, PA 15143
412-749-0455 or 1-412-749-0455 

The Campaign is a non-denominational Christian effort and it has no political or legal agenda. (Participation in SNMAC, of course, is perfectly compatible with participation in the political or legal efforts of other organizations.)


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign