Unborn gain a voice through Right to Life March
Saturday, February 4, 2017
ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - Central Louisiana’s second annual Right to Life March took place Saturday. Thousands participated to bring attention to the lives of the unborn.
Abortions affect families, and the march was a family event. Whether through experiences with adoption, unplanned pregnancy or birth defects, many who participated have a personal understanding of what it means to be pro-life.
Bobbie Jones, now with the organization Silent No More, has had an abortion.
“I was elated at first when I had the abortion,” said Jones. “The worries were over and my life didn't have to change, but about 24 hours later I realized that I’d made a decision I couldn't fix."
Jones said she struggled to justify her choice for twelve years as it affected her relationships, emotional and mental state.
"What people don't realize is you're a mother as soon as you get pregnant,” said Jones. “When you abort your baby, you're not free after it's over. You're just the mother of a dead baby."
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