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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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It has impacted my life just by being able to read the stories of men and women who have experienced the pain of an abortion whether directly or indirectly and how many of them have received healing and forgiveness from the Lord.




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Prayer to Begin a Gathering of the Silent No More
Awareness Campaign

by Fr. Frank Pavone

Lord God of Life and Healing,
You have proclaimed your Word to all the World
In your Son Jesus Christ.
He is the Gospel, the living Testimony to your Love and Mercy.

With him, you have also poured out your Spirit on your people,
Calling and equipping them to be
Living witnesses of your unchanging love.

Today, we gather to continue that witness.
We thank you for the courageous men and women
All over the world
Who have come to you for healing after abortion
And who now share their testimony with your people.

We thank you for those who have joined us today for this gathering.

May the words they share with us today
Inspire and strengthen us with new hope
To turn to you, Lord, for the healing and forgiveness
That we all need every day.

May their testimony be a clear sign to everyone
That Your response to those who have had abortions
Is not punishment but peace,
not rejection, but reconciliation.

Thank you for the courage of those who share testimony today.
May we meet their courage with our courage
As we echo and share their testimonies with others.

May the voices of those who are Silent No More
Continue to grow throughout the world,
Until all the pain of your people is absorbed by healing,
All their despair absorbed by hope,
And all the power of death absorbed by the everlasting victory of Life!

We ask this in the Name of Jesus, the Lord. AMEN.



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Silent No More Awareness Campaign