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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


Do You Regret Your Abortion or Your Lost Fatherhood? By filling in the form below you can add your expression of regret to our list. All information remains confidential and is presented anonymously

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Read Stories of Abortion Healing
How Do I Tell My Family About My Abortion 
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Being SNM has also opened up the door to healing for other post-abortive friends and family which encourages me to continue to speak the truth -- so others can be set free as well.




Social Networking 

Find a Silent No More Awareness Group

"I thought I was the only one who felt this way." This is the most common statement we hear from women and men who struggle after abortion. We want you to know you are not alone, we have Regional Coordinators throughout the world who would love to come along side you to help you find healing, prepare your testimony, talk through the myriad of feelings, and just encourage you. Use the links below to find a Silent No More RC in your area. If no Regional Coordinator exists in your area, please consider joining our team!

Contact Georgette to get a description of our tier system that Regional Coordinator’s operate within and the expectations involved. Each RC starts at Level 1 and we provide a starter kit with a manual, many resources and on-going training.

Use the links below to locate a Silent No More group in your area.
United States Canada International

Contact Georgette to Volunteer Locate a Local Healing Program
Words of Encouragement

Campaign Goals

Reach Out

Reach out to people hurt after abortion, encouraging them to attend abortion after-care programs. Invite those who are ready to break the silence by speaking the truth about abortion's negative consequences and the path to healing.


Educate the public that abortion is harmful emotionally, physically and spiritually to women, men and families, so that it becomes unacceptable for anyone to recommend abortion as a 'fix' for a problem pregnancy


Share our personal testimonies of hurt and healing to help others avoid the pain of abortion





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Silent No More Awareness Campaign