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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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Finally, through SNM I am living proof that "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28.




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Generations Lost
California, United States

Hello, I'm Irene Zamarano from Southern California. My nightmare began the day I walked into that abortion clinic. I bought the lie that it was a quick fix. It's not a quick fix. Instead, it's a lifetime of consequences. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, just to name a few.

I felt like there was a sign on my back with a number on it and a dollar sign on my face. I was 26 weeks pregnant; that was six months. I felt my daughter kick and punch me as the abortionist administered the medicine inside my stomach. I later found out she was being burned. I unsuccessfully tried to save my daughter by immediately going to a local hospital, the labor and delivery department. But they told me that the healthy heartbeat everyone heard over the baby monitor would soon deteriorate overnight, and it did.

The next day, after seven hours of labor, I gave birth to a beautiful yet lifeless baby named Lenore. As I held her I remember slowly touching each of her fingers and grabbing each of her toes. I was thinking, "Oh my God, what have I done?" It was heart-wrenching to see my six daughters weep when I told them that the same mother they knew who fed them, the same mother they knew who nurtured them, the same mother that was overprotective them, was the same mother that ended the life of their younger sister. The same mother that stopped them from ever bonding with her, dancing with her, having a sister chat with her, it was me.

I remember telling my son, he's seven years old, and I told him a couple months ago that the reason we visit his sister at the cemetery is because of me. I've hurt so many people because of the decision I've made. This barbaric act is not liberating, it is not empowering, but it is absolutely humiliating. It left an imprint on my heart that will never go away. Good, loving, smart women are being deceived into thinking this is a quick fix, and it's not a quick fix.

There is a high probability that many of you know somebody that has had an abortion. The facts alone depict a grim picture. The facts alone will tell you that over 55 million lives have been destroyed. Over 55 million women have felt the impact of abortion. Over 55 million families are now incomplete and over 55 million generations have been eliminated. Men, and I'm talking to each one of you, you need to step up and protect your girlfriends, your mothers, your sister, your nieces. This is enough. Enough is enough and that is why I am silent no more.


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Silent No More Awareness Campaign