SNMAC Testimony Videos: Ann Marie's 2012 March for Life Testimony<!--pflend-->
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Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion


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By giving me a venue to share my story and speak out against abortion, but also for guiding me to a post-abortion Bible Study, which allowed Jesus to heal me on a deeper level and help me find the freedom to grieve for my child and give her the acknowledgment and dignity her life deserves.




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Silent No More Testimony Videos

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My Body or My Babies'

Angelina's Testimony

An On-Going Journey

Face the Truth

My Testimony

My Deep Dark Secret

The Strength to Seek Help

Andrea's March for Life 2012 Testimony

My Life Changed Dramatically

Andrea's 2012 March for Life Testimony

I Was Alone

Forgiveness of God

How Can the Dream Survive if We Murder Our Children?

A Blessing

God Lifted Me Up


Ashley's March for Life Testimony

Barbara's Testimony

Three Abortions and One Adoption

Dr. Alveda King's 2012 March for Life Testimony

Already Forgiven

Richard's 2011 March for Life Testimony

My Abortion Testimony




Men and Abortion - David Rosa, Silent No More Awareness

Know That There is Hope
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Silent No More Awareness Campaign